The company data of the supplier -cloud business partner- and the contact person -cloud contact person- can be maintained by the supplier directly or can be done by the customer manually or API synchronization. In the cloud business partner data you maintain address, communication types or additional attributes like company size etc. Also the supplier can upload certificates or other documents like a company presentation. For a company you can create one or more contact persons. You assign specific roles to a contact person depending on his business role and function. See also supplier authorization groups.
The customer can assign one or more ERP suppliers to one cloud business partner. The customer can also connect more than one ERP system to the proconarum platform.
It means, the proconarum platform can handle purchasing documents for example, which are created with different ERP suppliers IDs in different SAP ERP systems.
The creation of a cloud business partner can be done by the customer manually or via API or by a supplier self registration process.
Demo Video: Cloud Business Partner